The twelve Apostles and Paul continued to do the works of Jesus even after He died for our sins.Ressurected and Ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father Almighty. They all have that burning love and faith in Jesus, that they continue to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, lived a simple life till the end when they were persecuted.
In James (KJV) 2:17 "Thus also Faith by itself if it does not have Works is dead." James (KJV) 2:24 " You see then that a man is justified by Works, and not by Faith only." If the Apostles and Paul did God's works to justify their Faith in Jesus, then as believers in Christ we have to do Works to justify our Faith. Following the 10 Commandments of God in our life is work in itself. Feeding the hungry and thirsty on the streets, we should not ignore them and walk away from them. Give alms to the poor,some change and a dollar could get them something to eat and drink. Help someone in need of assistance. Talk to someone about Jesus and His words. These are just a few of the many works that we could do to show to Jesus of our Love and Faith in Him. These works and others, makes our Faith complete.
Revelation (KJV) 2:23 (Part of the whole verse) Jesus said " And i will give to each one of you according to your works."
Matthew (KJV) 25:40 "Assuredly,I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethen, ye have done it unto me."
So as believers in Christ let's do some works for the Love of Jesus and to complete our Faith.